Seeing God in All Things (Book Review)

Joel Murray
3 min readAug 12, 2021


I wake up in the morning, before or after the sun rises (depending on the season), eat some Weetabix with honey on top with fruit squash, sit in the garden to look at the flowers, hear the birds, feel the wind.

I’ve already experienced six things that point me to God — the one who made them all to express his love and creativity and who wants me to enjoy him through them!

This book has helped to unlock the everyday, mundane things of life to see God in all things — because he is the God of all things. It’s one of my favourite ever books and has helped me through a tough time to remind me that God is everywhere and he is good!

Here are three of the areas that have impacted me most from Andrew Wilson’s book God of All Things.


There’s an amazing description of the journey that bees go on to make honey, and how honey has been ever-present — from the time of the Old Testament through to my Weetabix this morning. Each time I taste that sweet flavour, I’m reminded of God’s creativity, provision, and joy.

We pray for our daily bread so often but the essential status of bread in the first century passed me by. Knowing this, and knowing Jesus’ claim as the “bread of life”, has brought new significance to slicing my crusty sourdough to go with my soup.

In one of the most obvious but impressive chapters, Andrew links nine fruits mentioned by name in the Bible to the nine fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians. It’s wonderful and a good reminder of the sweet and supernatural provision of character that the Spirit gives.


Maybe my favourite chapter features pigs. They are ugly, smelly, and roll around in their own faeces (sorry pig lovers) but, through their death, they are transformed into a pleasing and sweet-smelling meal enjoyed by millions (sorry vegetarians). There’s a great illustration of the status of Christians in the book.

Everyone’s favourite talking animal gets a mention (not that one, the one in Numbers 22). The donkey, one of the funniest looking and acting animals, is used to show the foolishness of the world, and to subvert what we expect of God’s kingdom.


The sun is one of the most awesome things in our experience. It’s always there, whether we are awake in a storm or a cave, or sleeping in the darkness. It gives life to all, it is dangerous if you don’t take it seriously. And it is just like God in these ways. It brings a new meaning to a beautiful sunrise.

Jesus famously used flowers as an illustration to help those suffering with anxiety in their lives. God provides for them and shows his beauty and creativity in each and every one. So we can trust he will do the same for us who are far more valuable than flowers. Andrew Wilson’s chapter will make you want to fill your house and garden with them!

How can you explain to a four-year-old what God is like when you can’t see him (as I try to do often!)? Wind. It behaves as it pleases, it is everywhere yet nowhere, and its effect can be seen in every situation. It’s no wonder God often made his presence known in a whirlwind!

God of All Things is available from or The Good Book Company.



Joel Murray

Follower of Jesus. Husband and father. Star Wars, coffee, football fan. Communications professional in Leicester, UK.